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Jurassic World Movie Reviews:
The dinosaur scenes in this film are overall fantastic, and elevate the movie to new heights. I felt like there could have been a greater variety of dinosaurs on offer here, but the ones that are in the film (especially the Mosasaur and I-Rex) deliver the goods.
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A new theme park is built on the original site of Jurassic Park. Everything is going well until the park's newest attraction--a genetically modified giant stealth killing machine--escapes containment and goes on a killing spree.
Director: Colin Trevorrow
Writers: Rick Jaffa (screenplay), Amanda Silver (screenplay)
Movei Storyline:
22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. After years of studying genetics the scientists on the park genetically engineer a new breed of dinosaur. When everything goes horribly wrong, will our heroes make it off the island?
Jurassic World Movie Trailer:
Jurassic World Movie Reviews:
leaving the theater, my reaction to Jurassic World was "eh it was good
enough". A few days later as I think back to the movie, I remember the
action packed finale and some of the great visuals but ultimately there
was something lacking from the film, a soul, an identity.
director Colin Trevorrow proves that he has the ability to to shoot
involving action scenes, despite having just one small indie film on his
resume. Despite this, sometimes his direction can feel flat, especially
in dialogue heavy scenes where he struggles to create dynamism in the
interactions of his characters. This leaves the audience uninvested in
the intricacies of the story (which is highly straightforward) and
simply eager to get to the next dino' showdown.
The dinosaur scenes in this film are overall fantastic, and elevate the movie to new heights. I felt like there could have been a greater variety of dinosaurs on offer here, but the ones that are in the film (especially the Mosasaur and I-Rex) deliver the goods.
Unlike the original
Jurassic Park and to a certain extent The Lost World, Jurassic World
presents shallow characters and tries to flesh them out in a cliché
manner. For example, the divorce subplot involving the two boys that is
brought up once early on in the film, and then never resolved or
mentioned following that scene. Another example is the main female
character Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) who is portrayed in a negative
and highly stereotypical manner for 3/4 of the movie.
Some people
have criticized Irfan Khan's character but I thought his small
character arc was brilliant. However the military subplot was both
unneeded and implausible and should have been scrapped. Chris Pratt was
decent as always but wasn't given much to work with here.
the movie somewhat succeeds in creating a plausible and believable
world, however it would have benefited from some more confident
direction and a greater focus on story and characterization over
visuals. I don't really have a pressing desire to delve back into the
world of the film because it ultimately felt too soulless, especially in
comparison to Spielberg's original.
The movie has been marketed
as an action/thriller film and it achieves this at the expense of the
more subtle tension present in previous installments in the series.
said, if you are looking for thrilling popcorn entertainment you will
have a good time with this one, just don't expect a classic.
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